The sky finally cleared up a little. I ran out about 11:30 pm. I was able to view Sirius and Mars. Using the StarSense software
I viewed Mars and saw with one moon. Looked at them with 7mm, 25mm, & 32mm. Used 2x with 32. As color blind as I am I could clearly see Mars was red. Saw the moon on the bottom, Mars on top. Since the Dob is inverted, the must have been the other way. StarSense software was very close, not perfect. Need to realign with phone. The red dot was perfect.
Nearly a full moon tonight. It was just coming up over trees. Looked at it with 32mm and 2x. Could not get picture with phone.
Was very happy with viewing tonight. I realized if I want to get pictures, I need to get either a bracket to hold my phone over the eyepiece, a DSLR camera or a camera eyepiece.